Siberian Generating Company (SGC)

Company description

Siberian Generating Company (SGC) is an energy company operating in the Altai Territory, the Kemerovo Region, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Novosibirsk region, the Republic of Khakassia, and the Tyva Republic. The company deals with generation, distribution and supply heat and hot water to consumers. The company owns and operates 4 coal-fired condensation power plants, 18 combined heat and power plants 1 gas-turbine plant with a total installed electrical capacity of 10.9 GW and a thermal capacity of 23.9 thousand Gcal/h, as well as heat distribution network with a total length of 9,624 km. It also owns repair and service companies and Krasnoyarsk’s largest housing and utilities service provider. SGC power plants provides about 23-25% of the heat and power generation of the Siberian energy system. About 32,8 thousand people work within the enterprises of Siberian Generating Company.

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Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • October 11, 2019

    Enel Russia completes transfer of 3,800 MW Reftinskaya GRES coal-fired power plan to Kuzbassenergo

    JSC Kuzbassenergo, backed by Siberian Generating Company, has acquired the Reftinskaya GRES coal-fired power plant from Enel Russia RUB20.7 billion (US$317.17 million). The transfer has been complete...

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  • July 08, 2019

    Enel, SGC sign 3.8 GW Reftinskaya GRES coal-fired power plant sale-purchase agreement

    Enel S.p.A. has announced that its Russian subsidiary Enel Russia PJSC, as the seller, and JSC Kuzbassenergo, owned by Siberian Generating Company (SGC), as the purchaser, signed the sale-purchase agr...

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