Salzburg AG

Company description

Salzburg AG is a digital technology company that offers digital solutions, products, and services. The company provides the inhabitants of Salzburg access to sustainable and climate-friendly supplies of clean energy, telecommunications, Internet, and cable TV. Additionally, the company is a full-service provider in e-mobility and photovoltaics.

Other companies in Austria

Wiener Neudorf

Company details

Salzburg AG für Energie, Verkehr und Telekommunikation Postfach 170 5021 Salzburg

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • July 09, 2021

    Valmet to deliver a turnkey biopower plant to produce green electricity and heat in Salzburg

    Valmet will deliver a complete turnkey BioPower 5 power plant to produce green electricity and heat for the city of Salzburg, Austria. The order was placed by Salzburg AG, a leading Austrian energy an...

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