
Company description

Parjo, Sa is a company from Lisbon, a municipality located in the district of Lisbon. With an address at Rua Fernando Curado Ribeiro, Nr. 4 D Bloco B, 2nd Dt., Parjo, Sa is registered at the Lisbon Commercial Registry Office.

Other companies in Portugal

Company details

Rua Fernando Curado Ribeiro, Nr. 4 D Block B, 2nd Dt. 1600-449 - Lisbon. Portugal.

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • February 10, 2023

    CNJ NEO Energo to develop 10 MW wind with 10 MW solar PV project in Golubac

    CNJ NEO Energy has announced its plans to develop a 10 MW wind project and a 10 MW solar power plant in Golubac, Serbia. The facilities will have a total area of around 150 ha. The proposal will cond...

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