Mercer Private Markets (formerly known as SCM Strategic Capital Management AG)

Company description

Mercer Private Markets AG, formerly known as SCM Strategic Capital Management AG, is an investment arm of Mercer LLC specializing in fund of fund investments. The firm typically invests in private equity, venture capital, mezzanine, real estate, and infrastructure funds covering all sub segments of these investment classes worldwide. In venture capital funds, it focuses on early venture, mid venture, and late venture funds. In private equity funds, the firm focuses on middle market, mature, turnaround, mezzanine, bridge, PIPES, and buyout funds. In real estate, the firm targets funds that include commingled vehicles such as opportunistic real estate partnerships, open-ended and closed-end funds as well as listed real estate vehicles such as real estate companies, REITs, and ETFs or infrastructure funds. It primarily invests in Africa/ Middle East, Asia/Pacific, Europe, Latin America and Caribbean, United States, and Canada. The firm is responsible for private equity and real estate programs exceeding $6 billion. It also provides management and consulting services for alternative investments for institutions building private equity and/or international real estate portfolios.

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Company updates

  • June 03, 2019

    Union Investment, Mercer close first infrastructure fund

    German asset manager Union Investment in partnership with Mercer Private Markets has achieved its first close for its infrastructure fund, UniInstitutional Sachwerte Infrastruktur-Invest 1 F...

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