Lesico Ltd

Company description

Lesico Ltd. provides infrastructure construction services. The company specializes in developing, planning, financing, building, and maintaining projects in the areas of energy, environment, railways, maintenance of broad-flow pipeline systems, and installations in the microelectronics, pharmaceuticals, and food industries. Lesico serves customers in Israel.

Other companies in Israel

Company details

152 Jerusalem Blvd Holon, 5882752 Israel

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • February 28, 2022

    Eco Wave commences installation at 100 kW EWP-EDF One wave energy project

    Eco Wave Power Global AB has finalized the production of all floaters required for the EWP-EDF One Project, and commenced installation of the floaters to the sea wall in the Port of Jaffa, Israel. Th...

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