
Company description

LarrainVial is one of the leading financial services companies in Latin America, present in Chile, Colombia, USA, Peru and Argentina. Of Chilean origin, with 85 years of experience and more than 800 professionals, it offers its clients an excellent service in financial advice, intermediation, corporate finance, studies, distribution of third-party products, fund management, asset management and private capital.

The company monitors assets for more than USD 28,000 million, and has a network of clients in more than 35 countries on 5 continents.

Other companies in Chile

Company details


Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • June 25, 2019

    CMB LV Infrastructure fund III raises US$400 million

    LarrainVial and CMB have raised US$400 million for its most recent infrastructure fund, CMB LV Infrastructure III. This is the third infrastructure fund of CMB and first in partnership with&...

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