Kinea Investimentos

Company description

Kinea Investimentos Ltda. operates as an investment company. The Company operates investment classes such as hedge funds, real estate, and private equity. Kinea Investimentos serves customers in Brazil.

Other companies in Brazil

Campina Belem
São Paulo
Santana de Parnaiba

Company details

Sao Paulo
Rua Minas De Prata No 30, Andar 4 Sao Paulo, SP 04552-080 Brazil

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • March 12, 2020

    Total Eren reaches financial close for the 90 MW Dracena solar project in São Paulo

    Total Eren has achieved financial close for its 90 MW Dracena solar project located in the municipality of Dracena, Sao Paulo state in Brazil. The Dracena solar project is composed of three plan...

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