Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company

Company description

Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company JSC provides electricity transmission, dispatch, and electricity generation-consumption services in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The company also provides centralized dispatching control; engages in the parallel work with energy systems of other countries; maintains the balance in energy system; and acquires auxiliary services from wholesale entities at energy market, as well as transmits electricity through unified power system. In addition, it provides system services, and technical support and maintenance services. Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company JSC was founded in 1996 and is based in Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Company updates

  • July 15, 2019

    ADB provides loan for 100 MW M-KAT solar power project in Kazakhstan

    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has signed an agreement for a $30.5 million loan in tenge equivalent to M-KAT Green LLP—a special purpose vehicle created for the project—to build and oper...

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