J Malucelli Energia SA

Company description

J Malucelli Energia SA was founded in 1966. The company's primary business is investing in the generation and transmission of electric power.io do Norte, Brazil.

Other companies in Brazil

Company details

Rio do Norte
Rodovia do Cafe 315 km 0,5 Curitiba, PR 82305 100 Brazil

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • December 17, 2020

    AES Tiete finalizes 187 MW Ventus Wind Complex in Rio Grande do Norte

    AES Tietê Energia SA has concluded the acquisition of all shares representing the capital of the special purpose entities comprising the Brasventos Eolo (former Rei dos Ventos 1), Rei dos Ventos...

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