Intracom Holdings SA

Company description

Intracom Holdings is the main shareholder of a group of leading multinational companies specializing in high tech IT solutions and services, specialized construction projects and advanced defense electronics systems. Established in 1977, Intracom evolved into a leading Telecommunications Systems, Defense Electronics and Information Technology provider, with numerous subsidiaries in 16 countries. In December 2005, the corporate parent became a holding company named Intracom Holdings.

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Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • January 13, 2020

    Cubico Sustainable Investments to buy 21 MW Kitheronas wind project in Viotia

    Cubico Sustainable Investments (Cubico), backed by two of Canada’s largest pension funds, has signed an agreement to acquire K-Wind Kitheronas Energy S.A., the owner of a 21 MW operational onsho...

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