Elering AS

Company description

Elering AS is an Estonian state-owned energy transmission system operator (TSO) that operates and manages the high-voltage electricity and gas transmission networks in Estonia. It plays a critical role in ensuring the reliable and secure transmission of electricity and natural gas throughout the country.

Other companies in Estonia

Company details

Kadaka Road 42, 12915 Tallinn

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • August 26, 2016

    EU invests €187.5 million in first gas pipeline between Estonia and Finland

    European Commission has allocated €187.5 million (US$211.45 million) for the construction of the Balticconnector, the first Estonia-Finland gas pipeline.

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  • November 11, 2014

    Fortum to sell stake in Estonian natural gas transmission company

    Fortum has agreed to sell its 51.4%-shareholding in the associated company AS Võrguteenus Valdus to the Estonian electricity transmission system operator Elering AS.

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