Delaware River Solar LLC

Company description

Delaware River Solar is a solar company focused on developing, building, and operating community solar and large scale solar projects located across New York State in order to provide clean, locally produced solar power and contribute to the state's bold energy and climate goals. DRS is located in Callicoon, NY and works with local landowners, governments, organizations, and residents to responsibly and effectively deliver solar projects that benefit the community. Since inception, DRS has developed a pipeline of over 500 MW including community and large scale solar projects.

Other companies in (USA) United States of America

Salt Lake

Company details

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • February 04, 2021

    Boralex completes the acquisition of 20 MW Sky High Solar project in Tully

    Boralex Inc. has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary has completed a transaction with Delaware River Solar, LLC to acquire Sky High Solar Farm, located in New York State. Sky High Solar F...

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