Company description

DBRS Limited provides credit rating services. The company provides credit rating opinions focusing on insight and transparency across a range of financial institutions, corporate entities, government bodies, and various structured finance product groups in North America, Europe, Australasia, and South America. It rates various companies and single-purpose vehicles that issue commercial papers, term debts, and preferred shares in the global capital markets.

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Company details

DBRS Tower 181 University Avenue Suite 700 Toronto, ON M5H 3M7 Canada

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Company updates

  • November 11, 2014

    SBM Offshore completes Deep Panuke US Private Placement

    Single Buoy Moorings Inc. (SBM) has announced the successful completion of US$450 million of non-recourse senior secured debt by way of a US Private Placement (USPP) for the Deep Panuke Production Fie...

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