Conway Corporation

Company description

Conway Corp operates the city-owned electric, water, wastewater, cable television, internet, telephone and home security utility services for the citizens of Conway, Arkansas. The company has been a part of the Conway community since 1929 when the Conway City Council first franchised the corporation to operate the city's electric light plant. The water department was placed under Conway Corp's operation in 1930. The wastewater was added in 1957 and the cable system in 1980.

Other companies in (USA) United States of America

Company details

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • April 08, 2020

    Conway Corp signs 20-year PPA with Lightsource's 132 MW solar project in Arkansas

    The Conway Corporation Board of Directors has approved a 20-year purchase power agreement with Lightsource BP, a global solar leader, for the development of a 132 MWdc solar energy project in White Co...

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