Clean Power Finance (CPF)

Company description

It is a financial services and software company for the residential solar industry. Its mission is to empower people to improve their environments. It provides homeowners with simple, affordable financing for residential solar systems and home efficiency improvements. It helps homeowners reduce their total utility spend on power, water, and heating and cooling.Specialties in solar, sales, renewable, energy, financing, software, PACE, residential solar, solar finance, solar software, renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy efficiency loans.

Other companies in (USA) United States of America

Company details

San Francisco
201 Mission Street, 11th Floor, San Francisco, California 94105, us

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • May 05, 2015

    Kilowatt Financial deploys $250 M in Residential Solar System Financing through CPF

    Kilowatt has financed more than US$250 million in operational U.S. residential solar projects through the CPF Market platform.

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  • April 07, 2014

    Clean Power Finance hires Managing Director of Renewable Capital Markets

    Clean Power Finance (CPF), a US-based financial services and software provider for the residential solar industry, announced last week the appointment of David Peterson as managing director on its ren...

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