Bioenergy Development Company (BDC)

Company description

Bioenergy Development Company (BDC) is a world leader in the finance, design, construction, engineering, and operation of anaerobic digestion facilities. Through its wholly owned subsidiary BTS Biogas, BDC can insure and guarantee facility performance of its more than 200 facilities worldwide. Anaerobic Digestion is a powerful technology that naturally breaks down organic wastes, typically headed for incineration, crowded landfills, or worst of all, left to pollute local environments and instead turns the waste into renewable natural gas and an organic soil amendment. By seeing challenges as opportunities, BDC uses anaerobic digestion as an environmentally sound means of creating a true source of renewable energy while processing organic wastes and reducing air, water, and soil pollution in local communities. Based in Howard County, MD, BDC is is currently developing four facilities in the United States.

Other companies in (USA) United States of America

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Company updates

  • August 29, 2019

    Bioenergy DevCo acquires BTS Biogas to expand anaerobic digestion technology globally

    Bioenergy DevCo, a leading global developer of anaerobic digestion facilities that create renewable energy and healthy soil products, has announced that it has acquired BTS Biogas, which will operate...

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