Avalon Battery Corporation

Company description

Avalon Battery Corporation is a Delaware Corporation with offices in the San Francisco area, operations in Vancouver and low-cost manufacturing in China.  Supported by a global network of supply chain and sales partners, Avalon's fleet of proven, safe, and dependable vanadium redox flow batteries, the largest number ever deployed, are operating on four continents in commercial, industrial, and front-of-meter applications

Other companies in (USA) United States of America

Company details

San Francisco

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • August 06, 2019

    redT energy plans merger with Avalon Battery Corporation

    UK energy storage firm redT energy plans to merge with US company Avalon Battery Corporation.  The two companies have entered a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that sets...

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