American Process Inc.

Company description

American Process Inc. researches and develops technologies for the commercial production of sugars and ethanol from biomass. It offers biorefinery technologies, such as Green Power+ for producing power cellulosic sugars from the hemicelluloses of the biomass in a co-production mode; AVAP for producing clean cellulosic sugar from the cellulosic and hemicelluloses of biomass; and GreenBox+ for co-producing corrugated medium paper with a hemicellulose based stream through application of hot water pre-extraction of wood chips. Its biorefinery technologies are used in various industries, such as biomass renewable power, pellet manufacturing, pulp manufacturing, and sugarcane mills.

Other companies in (USA) United States of America


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Company updates

  • June 10, 2019

    GranBio completes acquisition of US biomass power businesses

    GranBio has completed the acquisition of 100 percent equity in American Process Inc. and affiliate companies including AVAPCO LLC and API Intellectual Properties Holdings. The acquired assets include...

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